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Enhance the image display

Top of Page
Switches view of image so the top portion is enlarged to full screen width and displayed. Short cut key Ctrl+F5 or T.

Bottom of Page
Switches view of image so the bottom portion is enlarged to full screen width and displayed. Short cut key Ctrl+F6 or B.

Pan down Image
Slowly scrolls the image, at full width, down the screen from top to bottom. Short cut key Ctrl+F7.

Fit to Height
Resizes view of image so its full height is visible within the application window. Short cut key Ctrl+F.

Fit to Width
Resizes view of image so its full width is visible within the application window. Short cut key Ctrl+W.

Full-size View
Resizes view of image to full height and width and adds scroll bars within the application window if necessary. Short cut key Ctrl+Z or ESC.

Split Window Horizontally
Allows two images to be viewed simultaneously. The current window is split horizontally. (Click one of the two panes, then click the required thumbnail). If the option is ticked the window reverts to a single pane. Short cut key Ctrl+H.

Split Window Vertically
Allows two images to be viewed simultaneously. The current window is split vertically. (Click one of the two panes, then click the required thumbnail). If the option is ticked the window reverts to a single pane. Short cut key Ctrl+V.

Displays/Hides the tool bar. Short cut key Ctrl T.

Show Mini Pages
Displays/Hides the tool Mini Pages. Short cut key Ctrl M.