Licensing - Maintain Connected Users
This option allows the maintenance of Connected User Licences.

Current Users
Lists all currently connected users to e4DM. Clicking on a user will populate the Selected User fields.

Lists the relevant PC for all currently connected users to e4DM

Lists the number of connections to e4DM for each currently connected user on the relevant PC.

Lists the long description of each user connected to e4DM on the relevant PC.

Selected User
The currently selected user and PC.

Named Users
Details the number of currently connected Named Users.

Concurrent Users
Details the number of currently connected Concurrent Users.

Disconnect All Users
Removes all connection data from the e4DM database.

Disconnect a User
Disconnects the currently selected user in User.

Refresh Now
Refreshes the view if the currently connected users. The view will refresh automatically and is based on the Refresh view every xx seconds value.