Licences may be initially purchased as Named or Concurrent.

Concurrent licences are allocated on a first come first served basis.

Named user licences are available for scanning stations and power users who require constant access to the system.

Use 'Configure Named Users' to maintain Named Users.

A connection record is created when a user logs onto e4DM for the first time from a PC. Each program entered (e.g. View, Batch Scan, Batch Index) increments the connection count for a user on a PC. Each time the user exits a program the connection count is decremented.

If the user closes down their PC ungracefully then connections may not be decremented and users may appear to be logged on when they are not. This does not cause a problem unless more users then purchased licences attempt to log on. Orphaned users count towards the total number of users accessing the system. Use 'Maintain Connected Users' to view current user access and remove orphaned users.