Interfacing with Softology e4DM
The e4DM Document management system allows external access via a COM ActiveX DLL link. This enables the DocLink method for querying e4DM and for the IndexLink method for adding documents to e4DM.

DocLink enables external systems to query the e4DM database and to view the documents resulting from that search.

IndexLink enables external systems to update the e4DM database and to add documents.


DocLink enables external systems to query the e4DM database and to view the documents resulting from that search.

Querying of the e4DM database may be achieved in either of two ways.

1. A COM connection may be established via the ActiveX DLL
2. An executable program may be shelled.

Each method requires search parameters to be passed to e4DM. The search parameters for the e4DM database query are set up through the DocLink Templates in the e4DM Administration module. These templates hold the document type to be queried along with the fields to search.

A COM object, DocLink.dll, is supplied with e4DM. It is through this that a connection may be made.

Example 1 - three supplier codes are passed to e4DM for query. This example assumes that a Doclink Template called "Supplier Enquiry" has been setup having the document type set to a 'Supplier' document type, and having the first DocLink field as the supplier code.

Example 2 - purchase invoice document number 444591 is passed to e4DM for query. This example assumes that a DocLink Template called "PurchaseInvoice" has been setup having the document type set to a 'Purchase Invoice' document type, and having the first DocLink field as the purchase invoice reference number.

An EXE, e4docLink.exe, is supplied with e4DM. It is through this that a connection may be made.

Example 1 - three supplier codes are passed to e4DM for query. This example assumes that a DocLink Template called "Supplier Enquiry" has been setup having the document type set to a 'Supplier' document type, and having the first DocLink field as the supplier code.

   "C:\Files\DMdoclink.exe" "Supplier Enquiry,AVE0012,AMD0020,BDE0010"

Example 2 - purchase invoice document number 444591 is passed to e4DM for query. This example assumes that a DocLink Template called "PurchaseInvoice" has been setup having the document type set to a 'Purchase Invoice' document type, and having the first DocLink field as the purchase invoice reference number.

   "C:\Files\DMdoclink.exe" "PurchaseInvoice,444591"


IndexLink enables external systems to update the e4DM database and to add documents.

The index parameters for the e4DM database update are set up through the DocLink Templates in the e4DM Administration module.

An ActiveX COM object, IndexLink.dll, is supplied with e4DM. It is through this that a connection may be made.

Example - purchase invoice document number 101388 and supplier number are passed as index information to e4DM. This example assumes that a DocLink Template called "Purchase Invoices" has been setup having the document type set to a 'Purchase Invoice' document type, and having the first DocLink field as the purchase invoice reference number and the second DocLink field as the supplier number. These data passed fields must match the order specified in the "Purchase Invoices" index template.