Case Menu
Views existing notes and allows new notes to be added for the current case. An indicator of existing notes is displayed at the top left hand corner of the thumbnail: blue for cold notes (all notes that are older than a number of days as defined by the system administrator); red for hot notes (some notes are less than a number of days as defined by the system administrator). Short cut key Ctrl+N.

View all audit information for the current case. Short cut key Ctrl+A. This option is available only if the relevant permissions are set.

Show all linked documents for the current case. Short cut key Ctrl+L.

Related Workflow Data
Show any related workflow data for the current case, e.g. Any data entered against the case if workflow is engaged. Short cut key Ctrl+R.

View/Amend Index Data
Views the existing index data for the selected case and allows the user to amend data if the relevant permissions are set. Short cut key F5.

Allows the current case to be sent to an in-tray an e-mail notification may be sent to the in-trays owner. This option is available only if the relevant permissions are set.

Allows the users to reindex this case. This option is available only if the relevant permissions are set.

Reindex, Delete Original
Allows the users to reindex this case. The original case is flagged for deletion. This option is available only if the relevant permissions are set.

This option is available only if the relevant permissions are set.

This option is available only if the relevant permissions are set.

Start New Composite File with this Item
Starts a New Composite File with this Item. Short cut key Ctrl+S. This option is available only if the relevant permissions are set.

Add this Item to Composite File
Adds this Item to the Composite File. Short cut key Ctrl+I. This option is available only if the relevant permissions are set.